
On a starry Autumn night

Laying under the cosmic sky

I see a universe beyond

The galaxy’s, milky way

With unnumbered orbiting planets

Astronomer’s, clearly hearing their sound

Radars that echo, there’s no shadow of doubt

Out there somewhere

In the vastness of space

Another similar earth, co-exists


Do those purple aliens

Wait and wonder

Look to the cosmos and ponder

When will humanity arrive

Invading their picturesque, violet atmosphere

Ravaging innocent foreign lives

Bowing to the human war cry

Assimilate or die


“Melancholy Man” The Moody Blues

I’m a melancholy man, that’s what I am,
All the world surrounds me, and my feet are on the ground.
I’m a very lonely man, doing what I can,
All the world astounds me and I think I understand
That we’re going to keep growing, wait and see.When all the stars are falling down
Into the sea and on the ground,
And angry voices carry on the wind,
A beam of light will fill your head
And you’ll remember what’s been said
By all the good men this world’s ever known.
Another man is what you’ll see,
Who looks like you and looks like me,
And yet somehow he will not feel the same,
His life caught up in misery, he doesn’t think like you and me,
‘Cause he can’t see what you and I can see

Ivor Steven (c)  2019


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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

48 thoughts on “Co-existing”

  1. Do not have melancholia you will see new places, new customs, new members of family, new friends… in a while!!!

    SMILE MY FRIEND !!!!!!!!!!!

    We all wait for all these news to be shared with us!!!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent! An amazing poem with powerful images and emotions, Ivor! I always tease that I’m an alien and I’m waiting for The Mothership to come pick me up. But, there is some truth in there. Sometimes with what is going on on Earth…I feel like I don’t fit in here. 😦

    I think the aliens would be kinder to us than human-beans would be to them. ???

    I hope when you look at the stars and moon you, also, see beauty and find healing! I know I do! 🙂

    OOH! I love The Moody Blues! 🙂
    🙂 👽 🙂 👽 🙂
    PS…what is the countdown # now?!?!?!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the nighttime sky, & gazing out wondering if there’s anything else living out painted my picture! Love “Melancholy Man” by The Moodies..takes me back to my teenage years, playing “This Is The Moody Blues” over & over, with those fabulous poems linking the tracks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Debbie, yes, I used to play “Melancholy Man” over and over back in younger days/daze !! the lyrics amazed me back then, and seem so appropriate for my poem now !!

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      1. It must be so tough being ill and in solitary & for all that time. Maybe the dreams were your brain’s way of sending you that escapism you needed to help wipe out some of the unpleasantness. However, now you can look back, they were a marvellous gift for your poetry..what a journey you took yourself on..incredible! (Great version of Phantom too, btw) I would love to read your Tullawalla Booklet, lovely..thank you! You must tell me what I owe you, & how to send it to you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh that’s so kind of you Debbie, any monies I make go to the MS Society of Victoria… I have a Paypal account, that you pay into…
        Haha ..I’ve written 9 Tullawalla Booklets, plus a Booklet of my published poems…… I’ll have to slow down !!,…. and they are all about making donations for the MS society……

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I hope it all comes through for you, please let me Know….I’m so pleased you are donating for one of my booklets….. I starting writing about 18 years ago, after my first stroke. as a form of rehab to help me read and write again, and for some quirky reason, my words started to fall into poetry lines, and I’ve enjoyed writing my poems ever since….

        Liked by 1 person

      4. It all came through fine, thank you, Ivor, I’m really looking forward reading them all, & I’m glad to help a good cause! Sorry, for not getting back to you earlier, we had the family here over the weekend, so I needed to slope off to bed last night & was catching up/tidying up today. What a fantastic way to help you regain & retrain your brain, though writing really does make you think & gives it a great workout! It’s also brilliant to turn a negative situation into a positive one..well done you! 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Oh that’s great you got my booklet Debbie and thank you for your kind words…. Haha, it was a matter of having to make myself come good, I was still caring for Carole at home the same time !!

        Liked by 1 person

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