Five Shades Of Grey

I’m posting this poem for, Helene’s Photo prompt week April 2/2019, “What Do You See ?” and I’m also posting on Welcome to Promote Yourself Monday, at Go Dog Go Cafe, and thank you to MidWest Fantasy for the invitation. Check their site out >>Here

Five Shades Of Grey


Daylight turns into night

Ravens scatter in mid-flight

Dark clouds overlay

Five shades of grey

Thor’s hammer roars

His spark of fire, soars

Fiercely a flaming bolt strikes

Piercing frightened psychs


Ivor Steven (c)  2019

Crawling Out Of A Void


Falls and crawls of energy waning

Glares and stares of eyes opening

Help and kindness of paramedics working

Clangs and chimes of sirens roaring


Awakening from a void of dreams

Visualising my spirit draining


Ins and outs of doorways slamming

Shrieks and shrills of voices screaming

Ups and downs of painfully surviving

Highs and lows of slowly recovering


Awakening from a void of dreams

Realising my life’s gradually healing


Ivor Steven (c)  2019

The Sky Between You And I

Skyward bound

Away from home ground

No more, of the side-walk mound

Daylight stargazing drowned

Northern clouds to be found

My time, is finally unwound

Hearing new city sounds

Amazing heights to astound

Sights to snoop around

A statue proudly crowned

I’ll be the friendly poet, of little renown

The Waterboys “You In The Sky”. Lyrics
Thou alone which art
You in the sky
I wanna know why clouds come in between you and I

Thou alone which art
You in the sky
I wanna know why clouds come in between you and I

Thou art beautiful
And I am gifted
Within thy precious presence I am lifted

Let me know you
Come in to me
Open up my heart and sing your song right through me

Let me know you
Come in to me
Open up my heart and sing your song right through me

Thou alone which art
You in the sky
I wanna know why clouds come in between you and I

Ivor Steven (c) 2019


On a starry Autumn night

Laying under the cosmic sky

I see a universe beyond

The galaxy’s, milky way

With unnumbered orbiting planets

Astronomer’s, clearly hearing their sound

Radars that echo, there’s no shadow of doubt

Out there somewhere

In the vastness of space

Another similar earth, co-exists


Do those purple aliens

Wait and wonder

Look to the cosmos and ponder

When will humanity arrive

Invading their picturesque, violet atmosphere

Ravaging innocent foreign lives

Bowing to the human war cry

Assimilate or die


“Melancholy Man” The Moody Blues

I’m a melancholy man, that’s what I am,
All the world surrounds me, and my feet are on the ground.
I’m a very lonely man, doing what I can,
All the world astounds me and I think I understand
That we’re going to keep growing, wait and see.When all the stars are falling down
Into the sea and on the ground,
And angry voices carry on the wind,
A beam of light will fill your head
And you’ll remember what’s been said
By all the good men this world’s ever known.
Another man is what you’ll see,
Who looks like you and looks like me,
And yet somehow he will not feel the same,
His life caught up in misery, he doesn’t think like you and me,
‘Cause he can’t see what you and I can see

Ivor Steven (c)  2019


I Shower You All, A Thousand Kisses Deep

Family, friends and followers

Lend me yours ears

I’ve only been blogging

Not even two years

A medium I did not understand

A venue way exceeding my expectations

A happening beyond my imagination

A journey I lovingly shared

I have enjoyed every unsteady step

What else can I say

I shower you all, “A Thousand Kisses Deep”

And my Nautilus is awash with likes

Fifty Thousand Leagues (likes) Under The Sea

In my ocean full of pleasure and love

I Thank you all

I am not drowning, but resurrected




Ivor Steven (c)  2019

Stone Arches, High In The Sky

Written in response to Helene’s, What do You See,  Photo prompt March 26 to April 1, 2019. And I would also like to thank Claudia, of, “Humoring The Goddess”, and her latest article, for also inspiring me to write this post about the fascinating properties of rocks !!, please click >>Here

Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Carl Peverall

The photos in my post here, are of Carl Peverall’s stone and rock sculptures, copied from Claudia’s article today….. I’m sure she won’t mind ??

Featured Image Above Left: Carl Peverall, Gift. and,   Above Right: Helen’s Photo Prompt

Below: Rodin’s, Thinker           Carl Peverall’s, Minstrel        The Cemetery Stone Bench

Stone Arches, High In The Sky


Sitting on this old cemetery bench

Judiciously carved from granite

I’m pondering, like Rodin’s Thinker

Observing God’s arches high in the sky

Supported by tall Gothic columns

Laboriously sculptured stone

Etched by annual rain

Burnt under the ancient sun

Shaped by the winds of time

Dully hued, eleven shades of grey

Smooth rocks from past aeon’s

Millenniums cast in aged sand-stone

History encrusted surfaces

Pillars of society, silently solidified

Entombed witnesses of the painful years

The cold graveyard’s, living pyramids

Monuments to new generations

Life’s statues of our lost souls

Immortality and finality achieved

Beyond a shadow of doubt

Their stoic presence

An eternal epitaph



Ivor Steven (c)  2019