Social Justice Inks: Anthology of Poetry 

I feel honoured to have three pieces published in Lisa Tomey’s new Anthology, Social Justice Links. And congratulations to Lisa Tomey for this project. This is a raw and honest poetic view to the many aspects of social injustice in our world.

It takes courage to publish a book like this and I applaud Lisa Tomey for doing so! Congratulations Lisa and to all the writers/contributors!

My three poems in the Anthology are;
– A Hard Rain A’Gonna Fall on Polar Bears
Burnt at the Cross
That Nightly Sound
And the book is available for purchase via these Links
>> Lulu Link 
>> Amazon Link  

Social Justice Inks is about expression of social justice concerns and about working through these concerns, seeking answers is an ongoing process. We asked poets to offer their creative expressions about Social Justice and what they think about how to solve social problems in the world.

This collection is from poets around the world, offering their points of view about Social Justice. It has brought chill bumps to rise, blood to boil, hearts to beat, and hope to ring true.

It has often been said that awareness is the key from apathy to action. The writers offer such a strong awareness from so many perspectives. What will be interesting to hear is how the reader is affected and if the words stimulate change.

Last, we cannot express deeply enough the appreciation for all these talented individuals who have come together to establish a community for social awareness.

About the Artist & Cover Art
It has been a delight to work with Kay Payne as we developed a concept for the cover art. What I was looking for is something to show the positive spirit and power of nature. This evolved to the wreath of unity decorated with the spirit animals which came to mind. It is by no means exhaustive but was designed to show the power of the spirit. This comes from my personal belief that with unity we have strength and with strength and spirit we have power. May we always use that power to make positive changes in this world.

Kay Payne resides in Alabama with a paintbrush in one hand and a hammer in the other. She helps her beloved with his handyman work, while raising their blended family, full of love and sweet tea.

A Hard Rain A’Gonna Fall on Polar Bears

The foreigners have quietly landed

Wood from our trees has all been sanded

We’re a country without doors

Surrounded by golden shores

The openings are vast

The alien’s time is here at last

I cannot stop them, nor can you

If it be their will

Then, let it be

Join them, do not flee

We’ll all be hand in hand

To become the promised land

So let us be great again

Do not worry about the hard rain

Do not consider the faded sunlight

Forget about the rainstorm tonight

Who cares about Polar Bear’s with no ice?

World leaders say “Enjoy now, no matter the price”

Ivor Steven (c) May 2022

“Eclectic Words”, Geelong Writers Anthology, 2021

The Geelong Writers annual anthology for 2021, “Eclectic Words”, was released during the week, and I am delighted to announce that 3 of my pieces were accepted by the selection panel. I must say it’s a honour and a thrill to have these articles represented in my hometown’s foremost literary anthology. Attached below, I have scanned the items directly from my copy of the Anothology

In The Poetry Section.

In The Horror Section, (I have 2 pieces)

Ivor Steven (c) April 2nd 2022

“New Mushrooms”, my 2nd Poem in the Red Wolf Journal, A Change of World Spring 2022 Edition

Featured Image Above: with the kind permission of Derrick Knight >>

The ediditor of Red Wolf Journal, Irene Toh, is pleased to announce the release of the Spring 2022 Issue.

The poets with work in the A Change of World edition are:

Dmitry Blizniuk
Paul Brooke
Jeff Burt
Joe Cottonwood
CS Crowe
Mary Anna Scenga Kruch
Ron. Lavalette
Joan Mazza
Karla Linn Merrifield
Peter Mladinic
Larry Oakner
Frederick Pollack
Emalisa Rose
Timothy Resau
Rikki Santer
Emil Sinclair
Ivor Steven
Debi Swim

You may download a copy of the PDF release here.

A Change of World Spring 2022 Issue 20


You’re invited to submit to our new issue, also titled A Change of World, Fall 2022 Edition. Read our submission guidelines here. Happy writing!

Irene Toh
Spring 2022 Edition

A sincere thank you to the editor Irene, for considering two my of poems for her superb anthology “A Change Of World”

New Mushrooms

After the storm

Old boundaries were transformed

Fences were moved and torn

Fields smelled of rotting corn

Patient vultures remained airborne

Above the drowning longhorn’s

After the storm

I rested under the peppercorn

And I saw new mushrooms rise with the dawn

Ivor Steven (c) February 2022

New Windows

New Windows

The day after

Flying around this old tree

Life is slowly coming back to me

I step away from my “Itmims” sleigh

To embrace the new world

And give celebrations another whirl

With a life full of joy

My journey continues

To dance through

Lockdown’s open windows

Ivor Steven (c) December 26th 2021

New Mushrooms, by Ivor Steven

I’m thrilled to announce that a second poem of mine “New Mushrooms” was also selected by the Red Wolf Journal for their up-coming 2022 Spring Edition Anthology, a sincere thank you to the editor Irene for accepting my poem.

Ivor Steven (c) November 2021

Red Wolf Journal

New Mushrooms
by Ivor Steven

After the storm
Old boundaries were transformed
Fences were moved and torn
Fields smelled of rotting corn
Patient vultures remained airborne
Above the drowning longhorn’s

After the storm
I rested under the peppercorn
And I saw new mushrooms rise with the dawn

Ivor Steven was formerly an Industrial Chemist, then a Plumber, and has been writing for 20 years. He is a member of Geelong Writer Inc (Australia), a team member with the on-line blog-site ‘Go Dog Go Cafe (America), and is a writer for the Coffee House Writers Magazine (America).

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Lights Above Bridges, by Ivor Steven

My poem “Lights Above Bridges” was selected by Red Wolf Journal for their up-coming 2022 Spring Edition Anthology, a sincere thank you to the editor Irene for accepting my poem.

Ivor Steven (c) November 2021

Red Wolf Journal

Lights Above Bridges
by Ivor Steven

Bridges span our invisible years
And carry our many fallen tears
Crossing over old hidden fears

Bridges are burnt over time
Years turn to ashes in an instant
And time is our only constant

Beyond the longest bridges
Under the ocean’s deepest blue
And above nature’s darkest green
Love’s evolving hues renew
And Aurora lights are on debut

Ivor Steven was formerly an Industrial Chemist, then a Plumber, and has been writing for 20 years. He is a member of Geelong Writer Inc (Australia), a team member with the on-line blog-site ‘Go Dog Go Cafe (America), and is a writer for the Coffee House Writers Magazine (America).

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Home is the Air I Breathe,

Published at Free Verse Revolution Magazine, Issue III, ‘hestia’

Again, many thanks to the editor Kristiana for accepting my poems, and for all her hard work in producing this beautiful anthology. The publication features the work of many talented poets, and I can’t wait to read my copy!
Issue III: hestia (hearth & home) is now available to download!

The digital download is completely free but if you wish to donate/pay as you feel, you can do so through the Donate tab.

Issue III: hestia (hearth & home) explores what home means to us all through poetry, prose, photography & artwork. Contributors reveal how it feels to belong, how we are defined by people and places and how Hestia’s legacy lives on.

Below, Home is the Air I Breathe, is the 2nd of my two contributions to this fabulous magazine

Home Is the Air I Breathe

welcome to our home

the house of rustic timber and stone

home is where my heart is now

and now I live here alone

but I am comfortable

wearing the same old shoes

walking her every mile

she’s in every corner stone

she’s in the marrow of my bones

we share the air I breathe

inhaling her gracious spirit

capturing her living essence

absorbing her love into my blood

pumping through my empty veins

cascading upon my open heart

caressing my solitary core

embracing our souls as one

Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2021

‘Between the Lines’, Published at Free Verse Revolution Magazine, Issue III, ‘hestia’

Many thanks to editor Kristiana for accepting my poem, and for all her hard work in producing this beautiful publication. The publication features the work of many talented poets, and I can’t wait to read my copy!

Issue III: hestia (hearth & home) is now available to download!

The digital download is completely free but if you wish to donate/pay as you feel, you can do so through the Donate tab.

Issue III: hestia (hearth & home) explores what home means to us all through poetry, prose, photography & artwork. Contributors reveal how it feels to belong, how we are defined by people and places and how Hestia’s legacy lives on.

Below, Between The Lines is one of my two contributions to this fabulous magazine

Between the Lines

Do you see, a man walking on water?

Did you see, the refugees bleeding?

Do you read, the missing scriptures?

Did you read, your own family tree?

Do you hear, old angels singing?

Did you hear, the songbirds crying?

Do you feel, the erased eons calling?

Did you feel, the hard rains falling?

Do you know, who is doing the lying?

Did you know, the earth is dying?

List of Contributors: Ken Anderson, Jaya Avendel, Jude Ballard, Enrico Barigazzi, Corrina Board, Constance Bourg, Karan Chambers, Emma Conally-Barklem, Rachel Dickens, Caitlan Docherty, Brianna Flood, Karen E. Fraser, Devereaux Frazier, Rebecca Green, Morgan Hayes, Kevin Hüttenmüller, Laura Jameson, Nameera Anjum Khan, Lamarriv, Richard LeDue, Barbara Leonhard, Lorraine Lewis, Liyona, Dee Li, Charles T. Low, Sarah Beck Mather, Marisela Brazfield, Jennifer McLamb, Emily Mew, Gabriela Marie Milton, Ellie Morfou, Soph Murray, Vanessa Napolitano, Jonathan O’Farrell, Lisa Perkins, T. S. Priest, Victoria Punch, Sunra Rainz, Kristiana Reed, Poppy Revell, Rebecca Rijsdijk, Faye Alexandra Rose, Jasleen Saini, Lara Simpson, Sebastian Nguyet Snow, Ivor Steven, Diana Story, Greta Unetich, Aleksandra Vujisic, Lynn White, Robin Williams, Ingrid Wilson, Howard Young & Lori Zybala.

Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2021

Cascading Snowflakes, up at the “Autumn Edition” of Red Wolf Journal

A big thank you to Editor Irene Toh for including my poems Cascading Snowflakes and Time Strolls, they were up yesterday, among some great poems by many wonderful writers, in Issue 19 of Red Wolf Journal, an anthologized PDF selection of pieces addressing a “My Dream Of You” theme. 

Cascading Snowflakes and Time Strolls were originally published at RWJ earlier in the year, in their almost-daily journal, surrounded by many other fine works,  so I’m thrilled and very honored to have been selected for the anthology.

And today I shall present “Cascading Snowflakes”

Red Wolf Journal
Issue 19 – Fall 2021
My Dream OYou

Red Wolf Journal

Cascading Snowflakes
by Ivor Steven

A morning blizzard of hailstones
Smothers my old frozen bones
Polarized, I am shivering head to spine
Chilling my chasms of hard lines

Daily coldness unwrapping
Mid-morning thawing, eventually happening
Melting, my eternal iceberg breaks
Into an avalanche of cascading snowflakes

Covering me in a white blanket of crystal firestones
Gradually warming my lonesome bones
Turning my purple blood into glowing red
Clearing heavy fogginess from my head

Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2021

Into The Glen: Into The Light

by Fae Corps Inc (Compiler)

‘Fae Corps Publishing’ has created a new Anthology, “Into The Glen: Into The Light” which is available now at Barnes & Noble, via this link >>
And I am pleased to announce my poem “The Faerie Shelter” was selected by the editors in this fabulous anthology of short stories and poetry…

An anthology of fae places focused mainly on the summer court.

With Stories By: Sergio Palumbo, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Mark Jabaut, Justine Johnston Hemmestad, B.F. Vega, Micheal Gillen, Kathleen Murphey, Andrew McDowell.
With Poetry By: Kate Meyer, Jericho Hockett, Serena Mossgraves, Raz T. Slasher, Kristin Roahrig, Fred Gerhard, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Ivor Steven, Buffy Aakaash, Katherine Quevedo
And Art By: Patricia Harris, Vonnie Winslow Crist, and Allene Nichols

And here is my poem, “The Faerie Shelter”

The Faerie Shelter, by Ivor Steven

Beyond the hands of time

In a garden of parsley, sage, and thyme

Live faeries of magic and rhyme

Dancing in the midnight faerie pantomime

Under the moonlit sky they frolic and roam

Among reeds of the field-mouse’s hidden home

Where the wise owl broods atop his mushroom

And dragonflies hover above mystical gnomes

Here guardian sprites defend the crimson forest

That stoically shelter Saraswati the Hindu goddess

As she dutifully protects the faeries secret hamlets

From horrid humans and their gargantuan spirits

Ivor Steven (c) August 2021