The Bedroom Chair

Over at Weekly Prompts, the Wednesday challenge is Garden. To visit their fabulous site please click on >> Here … but my garden is icy cold on these mid-winter days …

And, over at Moonwashed Musings, the Weekly Prompt is – Sultry Dreams … To visit Eugi’s fabulous site please click on >> HERE … my dreams are not “Sultry”, but “Wintry” …

The Bedroom Chair 

It’s zero degrees outside 
and I’m warm and cozy  
lying here in bed 
However, there is a pile 
of my winter clothes  
on the bedroom chair 
waiting for me to wear 
Frankie gives me his  
get up now stare!  
wanting his morning fair  
“Yes Frankie, it’s time  
for me to embrace  
the chilly morning air 
and plunge myself 
into the filtered sun’s 
brittle wintry lair” 

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Until Eyes Hear Sound

Lulu Books >>  Until Eyes Hear Sound (


Amazon >>  Perceptions : Steven, Ivor, Knight, Derrick: Books
Lulu Books >>  Perceptions (


Amazon >> Tullawalla A Meeting Place Where My Empty Hands are Full of Memories and Rhymes : Steven, Ivor: Books

OR: >> You may email me directly for a signed copy at

Ivor Steven (c) June 2024

Becalmed Without an Alibi

I am reposting this poem in response to Moonwashed’s Weekly Prompted; Becalmed

Becalmed Without an Alibi

Time to unshackle my inflatable raft

And reignite my charred draft

I left floating down the river

When I was the disabled driver

Of my Itmims space craft

Sadly, the fuel tank is running on empty

And the secondhand battery is almost dry

I need to recharge my world beyond page twenty

And being becalmed is not an imaginative alibi

Itmims; Ivor’s Time Machine In Micro Space

Ivor Steven (c) December 2023