Why Do We Write? (a Quote)

My “Quote” was inspired by Arlene’s lovely article ‘On Writing’
>> https://arlene1956.wordpress.com/2023/08/20/on-writing/

Why Do We Write? (a Quote)

“The world caresses our eyes 

every day until we die. 

We write to arouse idle mind’s 

and soothe hearts with our soulful finds” … Ivor Steven

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Amazon: https://amzn.asia/d/4yFHWrT

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com  

Ivor Steven (c) August 2023

Cracks and Holes, is in this week’s Coffee House Writers Magazine

Hello dear readers and followers, I now write for “Coffee House Writers” magazine on a fortnightly basis, and my poem “Cracks and Holes”, is in this week’s edition of Coffee House Writers Magazine. … please click on the link below to view my poem, at Coffee House Writers. >> https://coffeehousewriters.com/cracks-and-holes/

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Amazon: https://amzn.asia/d/4yFHWrT

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com

Ivor Steven (c) March 2023

Birds on Fences, is in This Weeks Coffee House Writers Magazine

Hello dear readers and followers, I now write for “Coffee House Writers” magazine on a fortnightly basis, and my poem “Birds on Fences”, is in this week’s edition of Coffee House Writers Magazine. … please click on the link below to view my poem, at Coffee House Writers. >> https://coffeehousewriters.com/birds-on-fences/

Birds have commandeered my poetic imagination lately.

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/Perceptions-Ivor-Steven/dp/1387487302/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1RD27PWFI9JPS&keywords=perceptions+by+ivor+steven&qid=1676894211&s=books&sprefix=Perceptions%2Cstripbooks%2C1174&sr=1-1

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com

Ivor Steven (c) February 2023

Birds in Flight

The Weekend Challenge from Weekly Prompts is the word: OLD. Please go over and visit their fabulous site by clicking on >> Here

This morning I luckily managed to take several bird in flight photos using my “Old” Apple iPhone. Of course, I had to enhance and enlarge them, but fortunately, a few of the photos came out ok, and subsequently, with excited enthusiasm I wrote this poem “Birds in Flight”.

Birds in Flight

Our spirit birds sleep all night

Then emanate at first light

To resume their dedicated flights

Our watchtower sentinels of Mother Earth

Who sacredly ascend at first light

Forever in flight, since nature’s worldly birth

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com

Ivor Steven (c) February 2023

Throwback Friday, Birds on Wires (July 2010), by Ivor Steven

At “Go Do Go Cafe” earlier today …
>> https://godoggocafe.com/2023/02/10/throwback-friday-birds-on-wires-july-2010-by-ivor-steven/

Last month I posted a poem on my website which was also Titled “Birds on Wirds”, however my Throwback poem from July 2010 is completely different, and in keeping with my poetic theme about birds lately I thought It would be appropriate to repost my first “Birds on Wires” poem here today …

Birds on Wires (July 2010)

Here on the edge of lower earth

Beyond the urban concrete girth

Withering trees are trying to grow

Reaching for that mystical power flow

Hungering for energy from contaminated ground

Not the airwaves of false sonic sound

Man-made arrows cluttering  the sky

Unnatural webs soaring high

Bird dodging spires

Hanging on cold steel wires

Carriers of these modern times

The pulse of humanities crimes

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com

Ivor Steven (c) July 2020

A Dishonoured Land (a Tanka)

The storm at the Box Office Cafe, and Frankie sheltering from the storm …

A Dishonoured Land (a Tanka)

Today, time decreed

Nature’s enslaved angry storm

Be discharged upon

The unsympathetic world

To cleanse the dishonoured land

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com

Ivor Steven (c) January 2023

Horse Before the Cart 

At Weekly, the Wednesday Challenge is the word: TREES. Please go over and visit their fabulous by clicking on >> Here. My poem is not directly about trees, but I believe that in one way or another, life here on earth is connected to our “Trees”
Featured Photo: by Derrick Knight, and a sincere thank you to Derrick for permitting me to use his fabulous image here in collaboration with my poem. This is now our “41st” collaborative article, and our joint book “Perceptions” is now in the hands of my editor/publisher (Judy, from Jaymah Press), and hopefully, the book will be in print before Christmas. >> https://derrickjknight.com/

Horse Before the Cart 

Bitumen road 

Horse and cart 

Centuries apart 

Unopened loads 

Dreams of tomorrow 

Library books unborrowed 


Ancient ode

Horse before the cart 

Centuries before the Ark 

Ivor Steven (c) September 2022