Cadence, Life’s Poetic Rhythms, is Available Now!

I am proud and excited to have two poems in “Prolific Pulse Press’s” new Anthology, Cadence – Life’s Poetic Rhythms. Many thanks to the editors, Lisa and Zaneta for presenting this fabulous Anthology. >>

Cadence – Amazon Link >> Cadence: Life’s Poetic Rhythms – Anthology of Poetry: Tomey-Zonneveld, Lisa, Johns, Zaneta Varnado, Johns, Zaneta Varnado: 9781962374903: Books

Description, by the Editors
We take pride in showcasing these exceptional poems crafted by devoted poets.
When we issued the call for submissions, we encouraged writers to contemplate the following questions:
– What do you celebrate about life?
– Who do you celebrate and why?
– When do you feel most joyful?
– How do you define joy?
– Where do you find the most happiness?
– How does joyfulness feel to you?
– Why is it important to find joy?

The responses received were both abundant and significant. Now is the opportunity to delve into the works of these remarkable poets and experience their unique perspectives.
We are grateful for all the contributions and devotion to this theme.

Flowers in the Sky (Cadence, by Ivor Steven) 

Look up high 
Beyond yesterday’s goodbyes 
Until your eyes 
Are caressed by the sunny sky 
And savor the reason why 
Flowers strive to fly 

Ivor Steven (c) June 2024

The Vita Brevis Anthology is Out

The Anthology is Out!

I’m feeling very honoured and proud to have to my poem “Where’s That Dream” published by Vita Brevis in their annual anthology, and thank you to the editor Brian Geiger, for accepting my submission.

The second Vita Brevis anthology is officially out!

I can’t thank the community enough. Whether you’re a poet whose work is featured in the new collection, a Vita Brevis regular, or a reader, you’ll find something to love.

As you all know, these anthologies keep the lights on for Vita Brevis! Thanks for making this a reality, and congratulations to all poets who made it in.

Let’s make this another bestseller!

(Or Click Here)

Where’s That Dream – Ivor.Plumber/Poet (

Ivor Steven (c) April 2021

Heart Beats Anthology, Live Readings

I have three of my poems in the “Heart Beats” anthology, which was diligently edited by Lisa Tomey and published via her magazine site “Prolific Pulse” … and tomorrow I’ll be reciting my poems, along with the other fabulous authors, on a Live show that you are invite to attend…

All are invited to attend. 

 your attendance via Meetup, an online platform that makes it easy for community to gather in one place for an event.

If you miss the live reading or cannot attend, Lisa will be posting a recording of it to her Prolific Pulse Youtube Channel.

I will be attending the Saturday evening session… 7.00 pm EST… or in Australia on Sunday morning at .. 9.00 pm…

Ivor Steven (c) April 2021

Heart Beats. Anthology of Poetry

Announcing: Heart Beats Anthology of Poetry  Coming Soon


Designed for Poetry and Poets

Prolific Pulse Press LLC is an author-friendly Publisher. We are passionate about helping writers from all walks of life reach their creative dreams and achieve literary success.

Thank you to Lisa Tomey, of ‘Prolific Pulse’ for publishing this wonderful anthology of love and happiness, and I am thrilled to have 3 of my poems included in the “Heart Beats” anthology, … Clear Blue Jar (above photo), Downhill Run, and, A Festival

Heart Beats is an anthology of poetry about the various aspects of what makes us tick or makes a heart-beat. This is about love, life, happiness, anything that makes life more joyful or tolerable.​

Let’s face it. These are tough times and there have been many events in 2020 which have many of us shaking our heads. People who were once friends have gone their separate ways. Some are soul searching, examining life more closely as time has leant more for this.

Heart Beats is about working through and maybe even overcoming these challenges. It is about what brings smiles to our faces or, at least, in our hearts. Heart Beats is about life, ups and down and in-betweens and how different points of view merge into one beautiful collection of poetic works.

​Inviting poets from the world to participate, made this project even more meaningful. We are a world of people and the poetry community has become more culturally diverse. This is largely due to the pandemic as people are interacting virtually more than before.” – Lisa Tomey

Ivor Steven (c) March 2021

My Sunrise

Here I am re-posting a poem that I recently submitted to be published, however the piece didn’t get accepted, and later on today, I’m going to present this poem on “Go Dog Go Cafe’s” ‘Throwback Friday’ weekly category … but firstly, I’m posting “My Sunrise” here on my site…

My Sunrise

I’ve walked a thousand lonely miles

Looking for her everlasting smile

Gradually scaling Ararat’s steepest cliff

There, sipping from the grail’s cup of youth

I’ve travelled to the edge of time

To find the final word of rhyme

Where my sunrise soared into the sky

To recapture her last goodbye

Then I crawled on my hands

Searching for that broken line in the sand

I’ve dug myself a hole, deep into space

To join her spirit and grace

Releasing my star into the universe

And I awoke, to write more of this verse

Ivor Steven (c) Feb 2018

Pain and Renewal, A Poetry Anthology, Edited by Brian Geiger, of the Vita Brevis Magazine. An Article by Ivor Steven

To the Vita Brevis Poetry Magazine and Brian Geiger(Editor), I thank you for including my poem, and I am honoured to appear among so many accomplished writers.

Ranked #1 Best Selling New Poetry Anthology

#1 Bestselling New Poetry Anthology, Pain & Renewal features a collection of incredible voices — from Pulitzer & Pushcart prize winners to brand new poets, it’s filled with moving poetry about the highs and lows of the human experience. From love and loss to death and redemption — and beyond.”There are as many forms of pain as there are paths to renewal, and I can think of no better way to explore this than through collected stories of people from around the world. In the same way the broader themes of a good book are not conveyed in one line but through many small and dispersed instances, the broader truths of pain and renewal bare their patterns when the struggles and victories of the individual are placed alongside those of the many. Read from cover to cover, I believe many of these patterns can be found in this anthology.” – Brian Geiger (Editor)

You can get the digital version here, if you want to read it on your computer, phone, tablet, or Kindle device.

And you can get the print version here, if you’re the bookish type.



Ivor Steven (c)  Jan 2020