Oh, No!

Oh, No! … Here in Australia, yesterday’s referendum, to give our First Nation’s people a ‘Voice’ in parliament was rejected … I think it’s a sad outcome for Australia, and I am feeling the hurt that my Aboriginal friends are experiencing today.

Oh, No!

Why cannot I be right?

Why is my right so wrong?

Why are the wrongs so strong?

How has racism become right?

Why does our blight?

Remain deaf dumb and blind!

Without any foresight!

Ivor Steven (c) October 2023

A Wounded Identity Badge

Over at Weekly Prompts, the Wednesday Challenge is the word: Identity … To visit their fabulous site, please click on >> Here … My poem below is an appropriate and poignant response to the Prompt

A Wounded Identity Badge 

I am lying here on brown dirt 

My human blood is trickling

From a new open-cut wound

Into this ancient and sacred ground 

I have been shot!

Straight through my “Yes” vote badge 

By a white man’s racist outburst 

His rant was full of arrogance and hatred 

My badge is damaged but not destroyed 

My heart is bruised but not broken 

I will steadfastly, forever vote “Yes” 

Until eyes hear the sound of human decency   

Ivor Steven (c) October 2023

The Voice (a Monologue), Revised

Today I attended the monthly meeting of Geelong’s, Dome Poetry Group, our assignment was to present a ‘Monologue’ and I duly recited my poem “The Voice”. After taking note of the constructive discussion and a few helpful hints, this afternoon I have written a “Revised Version” of the poem. Special thanks to Guenter (Geelong Writers Pres) and my fellow “Dome Poets”. 
Please note, the original version is attached below

The Voice (a Monologue), Revised

Do not yet shut the doors

But give me leave to speak with you and yours

Do not yet turn away

The time I ask of you is brief for what I have to say

Join me in the shade of this country’s trees

My ancient words are free

But why listen to a language you cannot see

In the past, you have not heard my pleas

And forever! I have been treated harshly

I am a dream-time spirit bird

Flying within your boundaries seems absurd

You! Have clipped my wings

And unashamedly ripped apart my kin

You! Desecrated my sacred ground

For the price of two axes and a Pound

Yes! It’s time to sit without descent

On the sand inside your tribal tent

Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2023

The Voice (a Monologue), Revised

Today I attended the monthly meeting of Geelong’s, Dome Poetry Group, our assignment was to present a ‘Monologue’ and I duly recited my poem “The Voice”. After some constructive discussion and a few helpful hints, this afternoon I have written a “Revised Version” of the poem. Special thanks to Guenter (Geelong Writers Pres) and my fellow “Dome Poets”. Please note, the original version is attached below

On Saturday, 14 October 2023, Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. I’ll be voting “Yes”

The Voice (a Monologue), Revised

Do not yet shut the doors

But give me leave to speak with you and yours

Do not yet turn away

The time I ask of you is brief for what I have to say

Join me in the shade of this country’s trees

My ancient words are free

But why listen to a language you cannot see

In the past, you have not heard my pleas

And forever! I have been treated harshly

I am a dream-time spirit bird

Flying within your boundaries seems absurd

You! Have clipped my wings

And unashamedly ripped apart my kin

You! Desecrated my sacred ground

For the price of two axes and a Pound

Yes! It’s time sit without descent

On the sand inside your tribal tent

The Voice (a Monologue), Original

Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2023

Schoolyards and Lizards, is up at Spillwords Magazine.

I am ecstatic that my poem “Schoolyards and Lizards”, has been accepted and published in Spillwords Magazine today, and I am very grateful to the editor Dagmara for selecting my piece … Please go over and visit my poem at Spillwords and if you wish, leave a 💓 for my article, by clicking on this link >> https://spillwords.com/schoolyards-and-lizards/

Featured Image Above: Spillwords Magazine – 1536×813

My photo of, “Richard the Lizard, a wise and withered Wizard”

Schoolyards and Lizards

Enter Richard the lizard

A wise and withered wizard

Who stealthily slithered and delivered

His magic beyond pandemics and blizzards

Recreating a safe haven

An unsmeared and inured schoolyard

To be shared by the children

Without the National Guard

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Ivor Steven: email, ivorrs20@gmail.com

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Jaymah Press: https://www.jaymahpress.com.au/

Lulu Books: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ivor-steven-and-derrick-knight/perceptions/hardcover/product-2pwqe4.html?q=Perceptions+by+Ivor+Steven&page=1&pageSize=4

OR: email me directly for a signed copy – ivorrs20@gmail.com

Ivor Steven (c) February 2023

Lost, Without a Compass (I’m lost for words)

Here is a poem I wrote 2 years ago after Trumps devisive and undemoncratic tactics during his USA election campaign … but “today” for a different invasion of “injustice” my poem seems to be appropriate again ….

“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”
Nelson Mandela

“If you want to improve your quality of life and the quality of life for all women, never stop questioning society or calling for change.”
Justina De Pierris

Lost, Without a Compass

Ivor Steven (c) June 2022

Social Justice Inks: Anthology of Poetry 

I feel honoured to have three pieces published in Lisa Tomey’s new Anthology, Social Justice Links. And congratulations to Lisa Tomey for this project. This is a raw and honest poetic view to the many aspects of social injustice in our world.

It takes courage to publish a book like this and I applaud Lisa Tomey for doing so! Congratulations Lisa and to all the writers/contributors!

My three poems in the Anthology are;
– A Hard Rain A’Gonna Fall on Polar Bears
Burnt at the Cross
That Nightly Sound
And the book is available for purchase via these Links
>> Lulu Link 
>> Amazon Link  

Social Justice Inks is about expression of social justice concerns and about working through these concerns, seeking answers is an ongoing process. We asked poets to offer their creative expressions about Social Justice and what they think about how to solve social problems in the world.

This collection is from poets around the world, offering their points of view about Social Justice. It has brought chill bumps to rise, blood to boil, hearts to beat, and hope to ring true.

It has often been said that awareness is the key from apathy to action. The writers offer such a strong awareness from so many perspectives. What will be interesting to hear is how the reader is affected and if the words stimulate change.

Last, we cannot express deeply enough the appreciation for all these talented individuals who have come together to establish a community for social awareness.

About the Artist & Cover Art
It has been a delight to work with Kay Payne as we developed a concept for the cover art. What I was looking for is something to show the positive spirit and power of nature. This evolved to the wreath of unity decorated with the spirit animals which came to mind. It is by no means exhaustive but was designed to show the power of the spirit. This comes from my personal belief that with unity we have strength and with strength and spirit we have power. May we always use that power to make positive changes in this world.

Kay Payne resides in Alabama with a paintbrush in one hand and a hammer in the other. She helps her beloved with his handyman work, while raising their blended family, full of love and sweet tea.

A Hard Rain A’Gonna Fall on Polar Bears

The foreigners have quietly landed

Wood from our trees has all been sanded

We’re a country without doors

Surrounded by golden shores

The openings are vast

The alien’s time is here at last

I cannot stop them, nor can you

If it be their will

Then, let it be

Join them, do not flee

We’ll all be hand in hand

To become the promised land

So let us be great again

Do not worry about the hard rain

Do not consider the faded sunlight

Forget about the rainstorm tonight

Who cares about Polar Bear’s with no ice?

World leaders say “Enjoy now, no matter the price”

Ivor Steven (c) May 2022