Pushing Up Daisies 

Featured Image Above: Taken by, Derrick Knight, and reproduced here, with his generous permission.

The Above Photos, are of my courtyard’s Osteospermum’s (Daisies)

Pushing Up Daisies 

I am not crazy, nor am I lazy 

I am living in a foggy haze 

In the middle of this planetary maze 

Am I out of phase?  

When I say 

This world is a dying daisy 

I have abandoned my computer desk 

A messy digital mirage, so grotesque 

And searching the cosmos for a pink moon 

Away from this dizzy burlesque 


Am I out of phase? 

When I say 

That out there in the Milky Way

There is another pink moon 

Actively interested 

In growing yellow daisies 

Ivor Steven (c) January 2022

Strong Undertows, is up at Coffee House Writers Magazine

Hello dear readers and followers, as you may know, I now write for “Coffee House Writers” magazine on a fortnightly basis, and my poem “Strong Undertows” is in this week’s edition of Coffee House Writers Magazine.please click on the link below to read my poem, at Coffee House Writers.

Ivor Steven (c) December 2021

Inside (aHaiku)

A big thank you to Colleen (The Chatter Blog) for her thought evoking post yesterday, which inspired me to write this Haiku for her … you may visit her post by clicking on this link >> https://bikecolleenbrown.wordpress.com/2021/11/17/someones-truth/

Inside (a Haiku)

Within nothingness

Asleep in a ghostly nest

There lurks loneliness

Ivor Steven (c) November 2021

Cracks in the Dome

Today I read a brilliant poem over on David Redpath’s fabulous site, and I thoroughly recommend that you read his outstanding piece, by clicking on this link >>https://highwaybloggery.com/2021/11/17/welcome-to-the-placebo-dome/

The below poem, is made up from the two comments that I placed on David’s site today.

Cracks In The Dome

I can hear bells ringing from the Placebo Dome

Through the cracks in my wall here at home

And still they are singing the same old anthem

Hollow words of charming wit and blunt sarcasm

Resonating from the dysfunctional meetings in Glasgow

Declaring they have saved the planet from a deadly afterglow

Absurdly, far too ironic

In a town so green and iconic

With their faces all aglow

Ashamed they were too slow

Because there’s not enough dough


The world continues to produce live ammo

Ivor Steven (c) November 2021

Loose Pebbles, is up at Coffee House Writers Magazine

Hello dear readers and followers, as you may know, I now write for “Coffee House Writers” magazine on a fortnightly basis, and my poem “Loose Pebbles”, is in this week’s edition of Coffee House Writers Magazine.  … please click on the link below to read my poem at Coffee House Writers …

Ivor Steven (c) November 2021