Liquid Joy 


Tears of liquid joy.
Like rivers of fear.
The memories so clear.
And drinking plenty of cheer.
Tears of liquid joy.
Like waves from the heart.
Two great oceans apart.
And wishing for another restart.
Tears of liquid joy.
Like dredged canals of the soul.
Leaking from the broken porthole.
And wishing for a free parole.
Tears of liquid joy.
Like a flowing molten alloy.
Passing through a secret convoy.
And singing like the last choirboy.
Crying liquid joy.

Ivor Steven (c) 2017

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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

33 thoughts on “Liquid Joy ”

  1. Ivor i have read all ur poems they r beautiful.i had trouble finding them .so hope its easier next time ..thank u for today .vickie


    1. Thanks Vickie for reading my poems and other things, I’m glad you enjoyed my words, and I hope your heater is still going well, I usually post something on my site every 2 or 3 days.


      1. I’ve only just realised that this is the shadow that has been hanging over me. This time last year I was devastated – you obviously were, too. This September I couldn’t listen to him, and now that I’ve started again, I feel almost as if I’m back to square one – but that award ceremony picked me up. I want him to be remembered and revered as Shakespeare is

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve just woken up Jane, 8.00am, and your words made me smile, what a wonderful line you wrote, “I want him to be remembered and revered as Shakespeare is”. You’ve made my day, and I shall forever revere him in that way now. ♡♡

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      3. It’s wonderful to know someone who, like me, always felt the love. I’ve been loyal to him since the 1960s, when Suzanne was released as a single in the UK.
        And what are you thinking of, waking up when normal people (Brits) are relaxing after their evening meal! 😀 😀 😀

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      4. I like to go to England, Scotland, Ireland. Our great great great grandfather was arrested in Glasgow and deported to Tasmania, but our family tree doesn’t go any further back, as his surname Steven was an alias, we have a feeling he was Irish and illegally in Glasgow, like so were back in those days. …. Oh I remember back in the 60’s, I had Leonard Cohen’s first LP, and I played it all the time !!

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      5. “Songs of Leonard Cohen”, with my favorite of the time, Hey that’s no Way to Say Goodbye, on side 2. I could sing the whole of side 2 from memory back then.
        Shame you can’t trace your family history further back. I’ve recently got some info my maternal grandfather – it was the only part of the family history I couldn’t trace, since mum’s mother died in Canada, and their dad brought them back to Scotland to be raised by her family before he high-tailed it back to Canada and vanished without trace. My brother’s Mother-in-law managed to pull some exciting paperwork off the net. I wish mum was here to see it – she’d be thrilled.


      6. I love family history, and my original John Steven, survived 15 years at the infamous Port Arthur Gaol, released and got married, had 10 kids, up the north-west coast of Tasmania, Wynyard, and he was a Carpenter.

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      7. From what we can work out, he was born in 1812, and he was about 28 when he got deported, and he got married when he was 45, and his wife Catherina was only 17 !!, and she died at only 43. my cousin seems to think he remarried, and had some more Kids !! Haha, my great-granddad was in the first batch…. !!


      8. I’ve found an old poem of mine, “Sorry For You”, about my guilt complexes as a carer, I’ll refurbish it a bit and post in the next day or so, wow, reading it now, I was so down on myself back then, I know I was boarding on the edge …….

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      9. That guilt thing – it eats away at a mind. I had years of it, when my two youngest were using,. You always think you’re failing, always think there must be more you can do. You make mistakes because you’re angry or scared, or because you don’t know any better. And the guilt just keeps crushing you, along with the grief and pain and all the other emotions that you daren’t mention. Ugh.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a lovely post! And what an interesting comment section! What you know of your history is fascinating!
    I can only imagine the challenges of being your wife’s carer. I look forward to reading more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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