Like No Other

I wanted so much to talk to her last night

To softly touch her under the moonlight.

I needed so much to hear her voice of old

To miraculously resonate from the cold.


I wanted so much to actually love her and to hold

To be with her, so daring and bold.

I needed so much for her to utter the words

To tell me, I won all her loyalty awards.


I wanted so much for yesteryear to last forever

To restore me, as her one true lover.

I needed so much for my life to recover

I needed her then, I need her now, like no other.


Ivor Steven.

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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

35 thoughts on “Like No Other”

      1. Maybe best described as a wondrous life. The first 7 years were perfect bliss, the next 30 years were tough, she suffered severe MS, and I was her primary carer, but she smiled every day, totally uncomplaining, and always so gracious, it was an honour to be her husband and carer. The poem about her smile here

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Another beautiful poem Ivor. memories often take us by surprise, we think we’re ticking along in our new lives and suddenly something reminds us. A smell, a sound, a forgotten picture. I’m glad you’re able to write down your thoughts at times like this.

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    1. Thanks, it’s supposed to make you cry, I cried my eyes out while I was writing it, just one of those beautiful moments, and I had to write the exact feelings down. My heart does the writing for me โ™ก

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  2. God damn you’re good. You have a way of making a poem so personal to you and there is this feeling of seeing your emotions and memories but then also you make it so it’s relatable and I’m not describing this well at all so I’ll go back to the earlier statement of: god damn you’re good. Such a wonderful poem. ๐Ÿ’

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