Water-wrinkled Hands And Sand Between My Toes.


The sand’s not really gold.

More like warm silk.

And the water’s not that cold.

Mild like cool Milk.

Pieces of seaweed, ankle-deep.

Smooth wet sand underneath.

Caressing my saltsea feet.

The Oceans clear bluey-green waves.

Carry surfers to shore.

Then paddling out for more.


So many happy souls.

Every face a smile.

Mums, dads and their young ones.

Old grandparents too.

And blokes like me.

All enjoying the sea.

Sand-castles built with glee.

Hungry seagulls.

Drifting on the sea-breeze.

Prancing for a feed.


The commune beach.

A lesson to teach.

No matter who you are.

Even here from afar.

Pale white or sunburnt skin.

Could be cream or tanned.

Bodies short and tall.

Rotund and thin.

All frolicking as one.

Under our southern solar Sun.


Ivor Steven (c)  2018

Featured Image:  Bancoora Beach, near Breamlea, Victoria, Australia.


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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

76 thoughts on “Water-wrinkled Hands And Sand Between My Toes.”

      1. I Google mapped that too… And got completely distracted by how pretty everything is from far away… I took a bunch of screenshots because it just struck me… I might email you a couple of the screen shots… I also might do a post with them…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I like all sorts of music, whatever I’ll party along. I’ll send you a song to your email, one from Cage The Elephant, if you know….


      3. I’m not very down with the music lol I basically listen to the same stuff I listened to in high school and anything I may run into…
        Please send it to me!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Beat you, I’m in bed 🛏 and feeling happy and pleased with myself, I’ve just read my poem again 😊 yep it’s ok. I’m back to the beach in the morning.


    1. Thanks for following my blog/website, muchly appreciated, hope you enjoy reading my humble writings and I’m from Geelong, Australia. Cheers. Ivor 🌏


    1. Thank you for reading, and commenting, And also thanks for following my blog/website, muchly appreciated, I hope you enjoy reading my humble writings, and I’m from Geelong, Australia. Cheers. Ivor.


  1. In my new book, I have a story about beaches. I think, I like your beach a lot more than the one I visited here in the states. Mine was noisy, extremely crowded, expensive, and I was constantly harassed by seagulls. The poem, and your thoughts were great. Was the beach like the poem. It doesn’t seem crowded, the surf looks gentle, I didn’t see a boardwalk with over-priced trinkets and food, and I don’t see a single, flying garbage disposal. You Aussies really know how to relax. I can picture you with a drink in your hand, and a smile on your face.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bancoora is one of area’s smaller beaches, just a stoney gravel carpark amongst the sand dune tea-tree, then a little over a sandy track to the beach, carrying my little Eski (like everyone else) containing, water bottle, apple & banana, and some christmas fruit cake (made by my sister) I take 2 towels, one to lay on and the other I drape over my little eski, as it’s quite hot. There’s nowhere to buy food or drinks, but that’s fine, everyone comes prepared, with beach shelters, umbrellas and picnic boxes, so there’s only sun, sand, surf and people.


  2. you took me to the beach and lifted me above the waves. i sensed a calm settle over you as you took in the view, the sounds and the feel of all the elements. such a spectacular view. i liked the contrast you felt with the sand, warm and dry at first then soft and wet, like it surprised you even though you knew how it felt in the past. like a new discovery of things locked away. sweet poem of a day at the beach carrying deeper meaning beneath.

    Liked by 1 person

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