My Five, But I’m Only Allowed Two !!

Dear readers and followers, I’m in a conundrum. Below are five of my poems that I’ve choosen to submit for pubilication, in the 2019 Geelong Writers Annual Anthology. The problem for me, is that I’m only allowed, to submit TWO !!! Please help… if you wish to, chose “2” and mention them in your comment on this article…. I would gratefully accept any feedback… Thank you…. And Of course I have to do my submission before I leave for New York, on Wednesday 24th April.

*1ย  ย I Dream On Snippets

Iโ€™m living on snippets

A snip here, a piece there

I donโ€™t watch TV news nor read newspapers

Thereโ€™s no need to see more

False dreams donโ€™t swim in my sea

And realities fill my soul with broken keys

I donโ€™t watch many movies

I know their spiritโ€™s are within me

And their ghosts live beyond what I see


Iโ€™m sipping on the holy grail

A thimble of wine

To a chaliceย of water

Thereโ€™s no need to drink more

Rivers of tears have already flooded my heart

And clouds fill my soul with yesterdays rain


Iโ€™m eating snippets

A morsel here, a crumb from there

I donโ€™t hunt for my groceries

Thereโ€™s no need to eat more

Food magically lands on my plate

Delivered by angels who look after me


Iโ€™m breathing wisps of air

Gasping for my invisible share

Enough to activate my inner being

Thereโ€™s no need to inhale more

The sky is infinite and free

And the trees air fills my lungs, regenerating me


*2ย  Leafless Branches

Thereโ€™s a warning sign swirling in my yard

Words are being splattered on my fence

Blown in by todayโ€™s gale

Leafless branches are flying around

Natureโ€™s own, final count down

Suddenly, on the horizon, thereโ€™s a red-brown cloud

Rolling in, over the barren hills

And a dust-storm quickly engulfs the air


Racing silver clouds and blue sky

Invisible through the thick red haze

Dry topsoil from the western plains

Aerially transported by the windโ€™s angry throat

And thereโ€™s no calming the dusty tempest

Until mother nature has had her way

I stand here, leaning against her force

Feeling her violence, pitch dirt in my face


*3ย  ย My Rainbow

Over mountains, into a distant sky

Blazing hues of African butterflies

Sparkling reflections of our last goodbyes


Did you see my yesterday rainbow

Sheโ€™s ruby red, yellow and blue

The heavenly ring, in everyoneโ€™s view


Above you, a perfect archway

Behind you, a forever shining sun-ray

Around you, a golden halo everyday


*4ย  ย Donโ€™t Ask Meย Why

Unknowingly, I often dream of her serene ashen face

Years ago, I gently held her frailty in my tired arms

Softly whispering to her, last words of love and grace

Donโ€™t ask me why, I count the days, since Iโ€™ve missed her charms

I cannot give you a sensible nor plausible answer

Donโ€™t ask my why, I count the weeks, since I lost my way

Iโ€™m unable to fathom the depths of my inner cancer

Donโ€™t ask me why, I count the months, since she died that day

Because Iโ€™m still gradually recovering

Remembering sheโ€™ll never ever go away

And somehow, Iโ€™m steadily rediscovering

Knowing someday, Iโ€™ll be allowed to stay


*5ย  ย Beyond The Brickย Wall

My timeโ€™s feeling lost and unrequired

Yesterday, I was worn and tired

Today, I did reach for the sky

Tomorrow, Iโ€™ll give life another try

Yesterday, I hit the brick wall

Today, I jumped every puddle

Tomorrow, hurdles will be castles in the sand

Everyday, my unknown future lays in my hands

Every-week, my dream looks like potterโ€™s clay

Today, I uncovered tomorrow is the next day

Tomorrow, is not my vision of times to come

Tomorrow, is the beginning of my shining sun



Ivor Steven (c)ย  2019



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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

39 thoughts on “My Five, But I’m Only Allowed Two !!”

      1. My gut is out of whack at the moment, all I’m of thinking of is my holiday, poetry has really dropped off my radar at the moment, but I must do this submission before I go… !!

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