Shangri La, Volume 7. Grey Clouds Have Rainbows

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Hello, dear readers and followers, as you might know, I stopped producing my “Tullawalla Booklets” at # 31, because that was the house number of our family’s Tullawalla Homestead.
But the booklet formats are a superb way for me to catalogue the vast number of poems I produce and as the saying goes “I Am Turning Another Page”. Here I have begun a new series of poem booklets, called “Shangri La” which is the name of my little Villa, and is my piece of “earthly paradise, a retreat from the pressures of modern civilization”.
Incredibly, I now have “1686” Poems filed in these booklet formats!!
Click on >> Here.  for the link to your FREE: PDF Copy of “Shangri La, Volume 7. Grey Clouds Have Rainbows“

Grey Clouds Have Rainbows

The night is not always dark

You know

The moon has a bright side

The other side hides

in the Sun’s shadow

An icy pond’s reflection

Has the wrong image

Of whom was right

And grey clouds have rainbows

Until Eyes Hear Sound is NOW Available From,

Lulu Books:

Jaymah Press:

Tullawalla is Available From

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Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


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OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) April 2024

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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

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