Throwback Friday, Bohemian Lyrics

Today’s Throwback Friday poem is not on my Website but appears in my book “Tullawalla”, Chapter 6, page 101, and I wrote the original version in October 2019.

Bohemian Lyrics

What we imagine
And what is real
Are not the same deal
Dust, life’s spicks and specks
Are blended inside the earth’s vortex
We are only our solar system’s subjects
And beyond gathering grey clouds
There is, the stars sheltering shroud

Whatever the words, let them roll
Whatever the feelings, let them be our soul
Old lines drawn in the sand
May be erased by forgiving hands
Gaea’s liquid words caress the air we breathe
Capturing chords within the whispering trees

Time deflects in the end
Time rewinds and amends
Love is the world’s unwound relic
Love is an empty hearts’ bohemian lyric

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Until Eyes Hear Sound

Lulu Books >>  Until Eyes Hear Sound (


Amazon >>  Perceptions : Steven, Ivor, Knight, Derrick: Books
Lulu Books >>  Perceptions (


Amazon >> Tullawalla A Meeting Place Where My Empty Hands are Full of Memories and Rhymes : Steven, Ivor: Books

OR: >> You may email me directly for a signed copy at

Ivor Steven (c) June 2024

Do You Have The Key?

I’m just being dramatic
In fact,
I’m only at it again
As an addict with a pen
Who’s addicted to the wind
As it blows me back and forth
Mindless, spineless, and pretend
Of course I’ll be here again
See you tomorrow

… Lyrics from “Addict With A Pen”, by Twenty One Pilots

Do You Have The Key?

Come fly with me

Above the trees

Where the air is free

To glide with glee

On the solar breeze

There is no need to plea

On bended knee

Like a refugee

I have the key

To help you flee

Your draught-less captivity

And together, we’ll foresee

The integrity of your destiny

Until Eyes Hear Soundis NOW Available From,

Lulu Books:

Jaymah Press:

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

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OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) May 2024

Cold Feet

Cold Feet

I wandered outside
the evening air
was damp and cold
and the moon was sharing
the dappled midnight sky
with dark satiny clouds

forlornly I looked up
and quizzically asked the moon
“I have failed
my words were drowned in the hail
I’m poor and unbound
all I have is muddy ground
who listens anyhow?
where do I go now?”

do not fret my friend
“as Confucius said,
It does not matter how slowly you go
as long as you do not stop
and that old Japanese Proverb
Fall down seven times, stand up eight “

I wandered back inside
the desk lantern was still burning
I reopened my torn notebook
and begun writing again

Until Eyes Hear Soundis NOW Available From,

Lulu Books:

Jaymah Press:

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) May 2024

Time, No Rhyme or Reason

Time, No Rhyme or Reason

Time is in your hands
Time hears no commands
Time is not sentimental
And does not need a schedule

Time dies under your feet
Time has no heartbeat
Time is infinite and blind
And revolves inside your mind

Until Eyes Hear Soundis NOW Available From,

Lulu Books:

Jaymah Press:

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) May 2024

Beyond Flawed Paws

Beyond Flawed Paws

We are flying north before winter 

I am on the edge of the flock 

The outside feather of the throng  

Away from the main group.  

But close enough 

To sense that I belong


Even with my tired and aging wings 

The congregation allows me to tag along 

And they caringly bunch together 

Sheltering me when the wind is strong


We are a humble and united colony  

Paternally migrating in perfect harmony 

As part of nature’s cycle of eternity


We soar above the flawed paws

Of the world’s sparring community 

And beyond those sharp claws

Of their tragic and panicky community

Ivor Steven (c) April 2024

“Walking On Water”, is in this week’s edition of Coffee House Writers Magazine.

Hello dear readers and followers, I am again writing for “Coffee House Writers” magazine on a fortnightly basis, and my poem “Walking On Water”, is in this week’s edition of Coffee House Writers Magazine. …
To Read my poem, please click on the link below to visit the articleat Coffee House Writers Magazine.

Ivor Steven (c) April 2024

Throwback Friday, Purple Tomatoe Ferns

I found a poem in my old files yesterday, from September 2018. Here I have revised the wording slightly, but without losing any of the original’s impressive imagery.

Dear friends and followers,
as you read my article today, I am on my way to the “Clunes Booktown Festival” and won’t be back until Monday afternoon. But, I have been busy writing and have ‘Scheduled’ a post each day while I am away, but my blogging ‘Comments’ will be minimal … >>

Purple Tomatoe Ferns (Revised)

I have hallucinations of Vikings sailing in the cold

Plundering forgotten hearts and pilfering gold

I am dreaming of the old farmer’s wife

Milking cows, cleaning, and baking for life

I have feelings for the king, in his isolated castle

Looking forlornly upon his drawbridge, a foodless trestle

I am wandering through an empty paddock

Kicking dew off the grass, searching for a lover’s locket

I have plans for the planet’s desolate future

Growing purple tomatoe ferns until they are mature

I remember her bravery, her ever-lasting smile

Crawling over jagged garden beds, every painful mile

I have finished falling under her broken sky

Claiming peace among tomorrow’s butterflies

Ivor Steven (c) March 2024

Twin Towers

Twin Towers

We are all twins

From the same Planet

Mother Nature is our celestial Queen

The Universe is our immortal King

We are one-of-a-kind

We do not have two minds

Or possess 2 hearts

It’s time!

To create a new start

Until Eyes Hear Sound
Not available on Lulu or Amazon yet … but you may purchase it from me, via this web page or my email >>

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) March 2024

Throwback Friday. My World, My Thoughts

My Throwback poem from September 2021 was originally titled “Worlds Beyond Thoughts”, however, when I published the piece in my new book “Until Eyes Here Sound” I altered it to “My World, My Thoughts”

My poem today is made from a list of comments that I have left on fellow ‘Bloggers’ sites, and in order of stanza appearance, these are the writers’ sites for you to visit.

Bart –
Sadje –
Punam –
Sadje –

Annette –
Dwight –
Michelle~M –
Catxman –
Mark –

Cindy –
Carol –
Cassa –
Windwhisperer –

My World, My Thoughts

Laws are merely guidelines

For the arrows of love to climb

Mirror mirror on the wall 

Recalls our joys and falls 

Behind every mask, there is a weathered face 

Behind every face old lines survive in place 

Behind every place memories live with grace 

Evil eyes lurk in veiled skies

The wisdom of native ancestors should be listened to

And not be lost to the modern ways of this arrogant world

The way of modern progress

Is to leave nature shamefully undressed

Nature and renewal walk down the garden path hand in hand

I hear church bells ring 

I see the mice die 

And the clouds always cry

Keep the cup full, turn the power on

And the answer will come 


Like a big jigsaw puzzle

Not all the pieces will fit back

And overall the world will look the same

I cannot dwell on what has been 

While I feel my blade of grass is alive and green

Above and beyond the crusty dirt 

The universe is a symphonic concert

They say that the truth hurts

Beware of cold desserts

Ivor Steven (c) March 2024

Are All the Doors Closed?

Are All the Doors Closed?

Scores of uncultured doors

Closed pores of the old stores

Hiding drawers of past accords

The forgotten ardours of wise mentors

Now, just condescending decors to the new wars

Like cantankerous dinosaurs with itchy bedsores

Until Eyes Hear Sound
Not available on Lulu or Amazon yet … but you may purchase it from me, via this web page or my email >>

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) March 2024