Grey Clouds Have Rainbows

Grey Clouds Have Rainbows

The night is not always dark

You know

The moon has a bright side

The other side hides

in the Sun’s shadow

An icy pond’s reflection

Has the wrong image

Of whom was right

And grey clouds have rainbows


Until Eyes Hear Sound
Not available on Lulu or Amazon yet … but you may purchase it from me, via this web page or my email >>

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) March 2024

“That’s What Friends Are For”, Has Been Accepted for the “Cadence” Anthology

Today I received a lovely message from Lisa, Editor/Publisher at ‘Prolific Pulse Press’ >>
Dear Ivor, I love the poem you just sent for Cadence and would love to publish it with the anthology. It truly put a smile on my face.

Of course, I cannot post the poem until after the Anthology has been published in March, but I can tell you that my delightful poem is about “Charlie the Caterpillar shuffling over the track to help his little friend, Billy the Bee

Ivor Steven (c) March 2024

A Spinning and Swinging World

This afternoon, while lazing around at the Cafe
I could feel the world spinning around me
Oh, what a world I did foresee

My photos were taken last night, of Venus and then the Full Moon.

A Mapie begins his flight, a leaf is swinging in the breeze, and Frankie is the centre of my spinning world.

Over at Weekly Prompts, the Weekend Challenge is: Chance Please visit their fabulous site by clicking on >> Here … and yes, we are taking a “Chance” by holding on, every time the world spins and swings around.

A Spinning and Swinging World

the cycle of nature

whirls around

like a spinning top


then slows down

at the equator’s plateau

pausing there

to swing on the world’s axis


either, swaying to the right

or leaning to the left

but always within reach

of life’s balancing point

Please Note: The 3 cover designs are by, Kerri Costello

Until Eyes Hear Sound,
 will be available in March

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) January 2024

Ivor’s Utopia

“If you actually succeed in creating a utopia, you’ve created a world without conflict, in which everything is perfect. And if there’s no conflict, there are no stories worth telling – or reading!” … Veronica Roth

Ivor’s Utopia

A world made of sunflower seeds
And musical water reeds

A world without greed
No wars and plenty of feed

Where people don’t have to bleed
For being judged an alienated breed

Ivor Steven (c) January 2024

The Swing’s Tempo

My poem here, was a response/comment to Jevannel’s positive article, >> , which I have slightly altered to create this verse

The Swing’s Tempo

Life is full of challenges

Living alone is a challenge

Life’s challenges are there to be hurdled

Don’t let the world bring you down

The trees of life have many branches

Choose your strongest branch

Attach a lullaby swing

And enjoy all the highs

And flow with the lows

Of the swing’s enchanting tempo

Ivor Steven (c) December 2023

Time Does Not Take Sides,(or, Time Has No Sides)

Forever is composed of nows.”– Emily Dickinson

Time Does Not Take Sides,
(or, Time Has No Sides)

The universe has been no stranger

To the world’s magnanimous mess

Regardless the sun

Continues to illuminate the sky

No matter what happens

Until the end of time

Earthlings believe

That time is on their side

Thoughtlessly blind to the fact

That time takes no prisoners

Hears no commands

And time has no sides!

Ivor Steven (c) November 2023

I Am Tree

Over at Weekly Prompts, the Weekend Challenge is the word: Why. You may visit their fabulous site by clicking on >> Here
Featured Image Above: A photo taken by Derrick Knight, >> and again he has kindly given me permission to reproduce his intriguing photo, here on my poetry site … and I am always asking myself, Why?

I Am Tree 

I am the one 

Leaning against the sands of time  

I am the one 

Binding the earth together  

I am the one 

Delivering clean air to all  

I am the only one! 

Do not slaughter me 

Like another one of 

Mankind’s maniacal genocides  

Please regenerate me  

Before all of my ashes 

Are swept out to sea 

Ivor Steven (c) October 2023

Pushcart Nomination, for my short poem, “The Sum is One”

I Write Her
Thank you to the editor of “Reflections & Revelations”, Susi Bocks, for nominating me …

Announcing The 2022 Pushcart Nominees!


It was wonderful to immerse myself again and fully digest the thoughts of all the pieces selected for the second volume of poetry of The Short of It in order to determine which works were to be nominated for this honour.

I am very happy to announce the following poets’ pieces were submitted to the Pushcart Prize Committee. Those selected were nominated for their contributions to the Reflections & Revelations—a collection of the best featured in the online publication.

Phantasma by Candice Louisa Daquin 

remembering by Jane Ayres 

The Sum is One by Ivor Steven  

Old News Is Not Old News by Joni Caggiano  

Winter’s Beauty by Lorraine Lewis 

Anxiety by Radhika Puttige 

My Poem: The Sum is One

The Sum is One (a Oddquain)


Sky above

Five oceans bind us

The one air we breathe comes from


Ivor Steven (c) October 2023

Who Is in Command?

“Time Is On My Side”

Who Is in Command? 

Spring sunshine 

Dominates the sky 

Nature’s warmth 

Becalms my unsettled mind 

Yesterday’s problems 

Have blown over 

And diffused toward 

Today’s blue horizon 

Time! is on my side, 

hears no commands, 

and takes no passengers. 

Time Takes No Passengers

Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2023

Throwback Friday, Shadows Fall (a Musette)

Today I am presenting another poem that will be appearing in my new book “Until Eye Eyes Hear Sound”. The ‘Musette’ is also a relatively new poem format for me, (thank you to Ryan, >>, for introducing me to the Musette format), and “Shadows Fall” is a poem I wrote in February 2023, and it will be an exciting piece in the ‘Others’ section of Chapter 10. Short Poems: Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, and Others

Shadows Fall (a Musette)

Don’t stop

Do not look back

Leaves drop


Do not create


Walk tall

Don’t look beyond


Ivor Steven (c) Sept 2023