Black and White



The Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge on ‘Go Dog Go Cafe’ is; Write a poem or piece of prose around the words “in the stillness”  All members of the Go Dog Go community, including Baristas, are welcome to participate.  Feel free to share this post on your own blogs and/or….. Here’s my response to this weeks prompt


Black and White


A calmness follows

The healing of night

As the dark moon

Sinks from sight

Leaving no shadow

Upon this blight

Arise lonely soul

Into the stillness of light

The heart throbs again

As blackness turns white



Ivor Steven (c)  2020

Saved By the Bell


Today’s prompt: Write a piece of prose around the word: “sirens”, and I’m afraid that this poem I wrote 4 hours ago, actually turned into reality for me me at noon today… Luckily I’m now back home from hospital and I’m ok…


Saved By The Bell


Within my dark maze

I could hear a loud siren

In my rigid daze

I am a rock, I am an island


Laying length-ways

Prone on the floor

A bang rang in my subconscious haze

And smashing through the door


They came to rescue me

Greeted by my teary gaze

I was vaguely all at sea

And unable to cry g’day


I had fallen off my cloud

Into a vacant water-well

Covered by a warm grey shroud

Oblivious to those sirens and bells




Ivor Steven (c)  June 2020

Blue Plastic Tripe

The midweek word prompt on the site Weekly Prompts is Character. And yes I think “It’s Time”, us human’s showed some >> Character….

Blue Plastic Tripe


The sun’s filtered warmth

Opens my notebook

And a red wine

Enhances the imagination nook

This Cafe’s quietly humming

Enticing my visions into reality

As my heart beats out a rhyme

Listening to melodic rhythms

And I sing to myself, a worldly question

Have we the character, to repair our transgressions


A forest symphony’s chiming, ‘All my leaves are brown’

Touching a sensitive soul, one more time

Forcing my dancing feet, down to the sea line

Where I hear mother earth, singing the blues

And sad mermaids, are playing harps in tune

To the ancient whales, deep moaning sounds

” The ocean now covers me, in plastic tripe”

Are we hearing the lullaby, of his final night



Ivor Steven (c)  October 2019

Inside Out


Weekly Word Prompt : This week’s word prompt is : Perspective.

This is an old poem of mine, The poem “Inside Out”, is more just a rhyme and a play on a few featured words. Over the road from were I once lived, there was a furniture shop, and the advertising hoarding was, “Inside Out, Exotic Furniture”, well I was sitting there waiting for the bus, and in my minds imagination, I changed the the words to “Inside-out, Upside-down, Erotic Furniture”, and hence my little anecdote was laid…. with a totally different perspective..

Inside Out

The view of my love seems upside down.

When I’m at the bottom of her flowing gown.

And my erotic picture appears inside out.

What’s this scenic love all about.

The ways of my love seem upside down.

When she’s on top, covering me ’til I drown.

And I’m underneath, neither in, nor out.

What’s this crazy love all about.

The river of my love seems upside down.

When I’m sitting inside her smiling frown.

And her foreign body hits me in and out.

What’s this exotic love all about.

The world of my love seems upside down.

When I’m laying below her pounding mound.

And her endless thrusts, feel inside out.

What’s this frenzied love all about.

Ivor Steven (c 2018

Odds And Ends, Curiosity Going Around The Bend

Weekly Prompts: Word Prompt, This weeks word prompt: Curiosity.    And there’s plenty of curiosity in these odds and ends pieces of poetry that I’ve compiled below. They are all verse comments that I’ve made to some of my readers.


It’s the devil in me

curiosity of a busy bee

I just had to see

your words of poetry


I never retire without my note-pad nearby

My lead pencil, my bedtime writing scribe

Sometimes heavy, other times light

A necessary sword to fight off dark nights

Words To You

You write to me

I write to you

Your thoughts say it all

Words do fall

Out of a crack in the wall

Stand on the rubble tall

Let the dust settle

Light up the Kettle

Have a cuppa and a chat

Light flows back, through the crack

Writing is our world

Words are our pearls

Drum Beat

Writing is a conundrum

Keep beating your drum

There’s a tune in your pen, for every line

Do not worry about the time

It’s only the sound of a chime

Everlasting is your journey’s climb

Rain And Pain

I no more seek pain

I feel caressed by the rain

Soothing my daily strain

Let it rain, I’m over being a champion


oh, to float on a cloud high

be at peace with the sky

quietly breathe in and sigh

look down and wonder why

Upside Down

hanging around upside down

gives you a top view of the ground

reverses the annoying busy sounds

lets you think of life’s endless bounds

Wet Grass

You lay there bathing in moonshine

Caressing tingles down your spine

Freshening evening dew

Letting the moist grass entwine you


Love has all the answers

Let us all pack our travel-bags

Join the world’ dancers

Let us all wave our white flags


Is the shift of power

For every-ones good

Living in their glass towers

Hearts made of plastic wood

Leaving us to bow and cower

Raped by their greedy falsehoods

I Am You

You are you

From top to toe

You are you

From arm to palm

You are you

A heart full of gold

You are you

A light for our souls


Ivor Steven (c)  2018


They Were Singing My Song

Weekly Prompt: This weeks Word Prompt; Germs


There’s festering germs in my brain

The hallucination seems real

Last night I went to a funeral

The funeral was mine


Attending the wake

In the forest beside the lake

I was a mental mess

Walking around, dressed in my finest

A plastic name-tag tied to my thong

They were singing my song


Alone, I trekked through botanical gardens

Heading towards the big game

Couldn’t remember who was playing

Does it even matter

I was too busy dictating

My last will and testament

To any-one who would listen

Telling the young ones, not to worry

“Uncle Ivor will look after you, we all belong”

They were singing my song


There wasn’t a church

More like the Football Club hall

Big enough to hold them all

Ample food and gallons to drink

Leonard was there all along

He was singing my song


There was no Hallelujah

Making it write, knew the words

A Tennessee man played the drums

Every foot was tapping to the beat

The beat goes on, and on

They were singing my song


The music resonated into my art gallery

Organised to humour the goddess

The local switchboard was frantic, like a chatter blog

Announcing a wake, under the stars

Celestial, stellar, and beyond

They were singing my song


Lemons adorned the tables

Soul gifts, smelling fresh as hell

Too fiery there, I wasn’t allowed to dwell

The crowd was giving me the cold shoulder

I was talking to myself in Antarctica

Overhearing the laughter, rejoicing in my coldness

They were singing my song

One of us cannot be wrong


I’d like to thank the following, fellow friends/bloggers, for attending my dream-time wake, as per my dream, in order of  appearance.

1. Mental Mess

2. DoesItEvenMatter

3. Making It Write

4. The Tennessee Poet

5. Humouring The Goddess

6. Chatter Blog

7. Stella

8. Lemon

9. Soul Gifts

10. Fresh Hell

11. Fiery

12. Talking To Myself

And of course, Leonard Cohen, for his glorious music and Lyrics.


And here is my poem, “It’s Just A Little Dream”

Ivor Steven (c)  2018



Weekly Prompt: Word Prompt, This weeks word is, Nuisance


I didn’t think I was a nuisance

Strolling around, minding my own business

Waiting, like the rest of my crowd

A sturdy warhorse, tall and proud

Delivering parcels to and fro

Rain, hail or snow

I do the best that I can

I keep myself gleamy and clean

Always courteous and patient

Give me a push and I’ll respond

I was controlled and strong

And I didn’t mind the little-ones

I’d happily lug them around

Screaming and kicking me

I’d stand there quietly smirking

Taking all their constant abuse

From both young and old


Why did I end up here

Dumped like an alley cat

Caged like a mongrel dog

Behind this fence of cold iron

On top of the towns highest hill

Under a dripping cypress tree

How did they drag me

Up the rocky track’s steepest incline

I’m scared, abandoned and alone

My old frame is turning grey and rusty

Am I finally at the end of the line


Ivor Steven (c)  2018