
Hello dear readers, I’ve just arrived back home after my evening out at the “Twilight Market” event … For me, the night was a balancing act between my general tiredness and my willingness to participate in the event. Good news, I managed to run my stall ok, but now this little old hero is on the tired end of the “seesaw” … 😴
The poem “Balance” is in “Our” book Perceptions (page 5), and the Featured Image Above, was taken by Derrick Knight >>


There is a distant shore
Between why and when
Life is a seesaw
Between hero’s and heroine’s

There is a balance
Between ups and downs
Life is a challenge
Between smiles and frowns

There is a common ground
Between storms and calmness
Life is a humming sound
Between love and blindness

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –  

Ivor Steven (c) December 2023

Throwback Friday, Time Watches Over Us

Todays Throwback Friday poem is from Dec 1st 2021, and appears in “Our” colourful Book “Perceptions” (page 25)

 Featured Image Above, is one of Derrick Knight’s fabulous photos [ ]

Time Watches Over Us

ours is not to reason why
for we are merely a fly
in the bigger sky
just passing by


we do not stop learning
because every day
teaches us something new


we cannot cease loving
because every day
our universe
creates something new
for us to love


the wheels of time
do not stop turning
and grandfather clocks
do not stop chiming

Ivor Steven (c) December 1st 2023

Moon Dew

Please Note: All attached Photos presented in this article were taken by Derrick Knight, and he has kindly allowed me reproduce them here on my poetry site. You may visit his wonderful article, and site by clicking on this link >>

Moon Dew 

The moon slithered  

into my bedroom 

through a crack beside  

her nostalgic heirloom  

and lowered himself 

onto my breastplate  

stared into my eyes  

and told me straight 

“There is no need for tears  

I am here to ease your fears 

before I leave  

I will give you  

a loving spoonful  

of magical moon dew  

my universal cure  

for the morning blues” 

“Thank you, Mr. Moon”  

as I joyfully sipped  

from his silver spoon


Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –  

Ivor Steven (c) October 2023

A Frollick of Forest Faeries

The mysterious Wilderness … The babbling stream … Frankie guarding the black door
Centre Photo (The babbling stream): by Derrick Knight

A Frollick of Forest Faeries 

Wandering through the mysterious wilderness 

I glimpsed a shimmering flicker 

From within the woods somewhere 

Startled, I stumbled and fell forward 

There before me, was a glimmering black door 

And the shiny silver padlock was ajar 

Curiosity beckoned me to enter 

Such a baffling anomaly 

Jittering, I cautiously stepped inside  

Unexpectedly, splosh, my boots became soaked 

I had waded into a small babbling stream 

Below a softly gurgling cascade 

And there, elegantly fluttering  

Above the brooks mossy rocks 

A frollick of forest faeries 

Magically emerged to fervently welcome me 

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:


Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –  

Ivor Steven (c) May 2023

The World’s Fractured Mirror 

On Weekly Prompts, the Weekend Challenge is the word; BEND. Please go over and visit their fabulous site by clicking on >> Here . The poem below does have the word ‘Bend’ in it, and that’ll be close enough for me …
Featured Image: Another marvelous photo by, Derrick Knight >>

The World’s Fractured Mirror 

At the close of day 

Sunset’s empty Amphitheatre  

Descends across a bend in the twilight zone 

And semidarkness 

Oppresses the horizon’s  

Endangered vanishing point 

What loiters beyond 

The skylines diminishing aurora? 

Will the night-fires of war 

Continue to be entrapped 

For ever and ever, inside 

The world’s fractured mirror 

Tullawalla is Available From

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions is Now Available via:

Jaymah Press:

Lulu Books:

OR: email me directly for a signed copy –

Ivor Steven (c) January 2023

Throwback Friday, White Pony, by Ivor Steven

The article I posted on “Go Dog Go Cafe” today >>

I’m very fond of this poem from October 2019, which appears in both of my books, “Tullawalla” (page 149), and “Perceptions” (page 1).
Featured Photo Above: taken by Derrick Knight >>

White Pony. (Tullawalla, page 149, and Perceptions, page 1)

If I were to be reincarnated

I am sure I would be a tall white pony

A flashy show jumping horse

Who knows his arduous course

Hurdling coloured bars

And clearing hard brush fences

A swimmer I have always been

So the perilous water hazard

Would be a simple breeze

A shadow passed over with ease

As my reflection in the pond

Magically vanished under my rider’s wand

Turning sharply on the pitch

Nearing the finishing stretch

I see more obstacles ahead

The doubles and triples, I dread

Without fear, forward I bound

Up over and gliding down

My red-haired rider, she’s blushing and proud

Hearing loud applause, we bow to the crowd

Tullawalla is Available From;

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Amazon: search via, ‘Tullawalla by Ivor Steven’

Perceptions: will be available soon, pre-order via …

Jaymah Press:

Ivor Steven: email,

Ivor Steven (c) November 2022


Featured Image Above: ‘Mushrooms’ taken by Derrick Knight, and thank you to Derrick for allowing me reproduce his photos here on my poetry site.
Special Announcement: Today I have a “Copy” of “Our” new book Perceptions for me to proofread on the weekend


White moon and white mushrooms

White doggie and white clouds

Here my writer’s world is a chromatic lamplight

After the passing of my gracious Aphrodite

Now I dream tonight

About the earth’s broken stalactites

And how the atmosphere is turning a sickly off-white

Like a grubby plastic skylight

Now with foresight

My tethered “Itmims” craft is ready and watertight

And awaits her saviours next spaceflight

“Itmims” Ivor’s Time Machine In Micro Space

Ivor Steven (c) November 2022

I Did Not Hear The Midday Chime

Featured Image Above: Photo by Derick Knight, and I have used the photo once before in another poem (>> . Again, thank you to Derrick for allowing me to use his photos on my site.

I Did Not Hear The Midday Chime

I slyly look up

In silent amusement

At the old chiseled face

Of my grandfather clock

And I see his shaky hands of time

Are too meek and tired

To strike the midday chime

I slowly close my eyes

Overused muscles are cramping

Weakened bones feel brittle

This complicated mind is exhausted

And my dream needs to sleep

Before I am able to write another rhyme

Ivor Steven (c) October 2022

Horse Before the Cart 

At Weekly, the Wednesday Challenge is the word: TREES. Please go over and visit their fabulous by clicking on >> Here. My poem is not directly about trees, but I believe that in one way or another, life here on earth is connected to our “Trees”
Featured Photo: by Derrick Knight, and a sincere thank you to Derrick for permitting me to use his fabulous image here in collaboration with my poem. This is now our “41st” collaborative article, and our joint book “Perceptions” is now in the hands of my editor/publisher (Judy, from Jaymah Press), and hopefully, the book will be in print before Christmas. >>

Horse Before the Cart 

Bitumen road 

Horse and cart 

Centuries apart 

Unopened loads 

Dreams of tomorrow 

Library books unborrowed 


Ancient ode

Horse before the cart 

Centuries before the Ark 

Ivor Steven (c) September 2022

Standing On Unstable Ground 

Featured Photo: by Derrick Knight, and a sincere thank you to Derrick for permitting me to use his fabulous image here in collaboration with my poem. This is now our “40th” collaborative article, and our joint book “Perceptions” is now in the hands of my editor/publisher (Judy, from Jaymah Press), and hopefully, the book will be in print before Christmas

Standing On Unstable Ground


Do not make me laugh 

The pain would cut me in half 


Pass me yesterday’s leftover chaff


I cannot leave you an autograph 

I am a wounded grey donkey 

Standing on unstable ground 

Feeling disabled and lonely 

And my inner damage is yet to be found  

Ivor Steven © August 2022